Is it over YET?
2004-10-30...9:30 a.m.

I still feel pretty crappy this morning. I wish someone would shoot me in the head. Right here - this spot above my right eye. I tried to take a shower, but I couldn't stand up long enough because I was getting too dizzy. I took some Sudafed Sinus Headache, and so far, it's succeeded in making me dizzier. No sign of the sinus pressure or headache relenting though. It would be just my luck to get a migraine while I'm sick and blowing my nose ever 5 minutes.

I had a dream about my grandmother again last night. I dreamt she was taking care of me. She was sitting in a recliner, and told me to sit on her lap. She said I was acting feverish, and to touch the inside of her wrist with the tip of my middle finger. She held me, and we talked about things. She said she was annoyed with Auntie Bert selling everything off. For the first dream since her death, I didn't wake up feeling horrible. I wasn't dreaming that she was still alive, just that she was there for me, and watching over me. I still miss her terribly, but I'm finally feeling a little less jaded by the situation.

I called Christine last night and had a nice conversation. Genuinely! It didn't feel like I was just filling time with boring gibberish, we were actually talking. After I hung up with her, I called my friend Rachel, since the only time I can get a word in edgewise is when her kids are already asleep. They seem to be a very rowdy crowd, although I haven't yet met the twin girls that are about to become her stepchildren. Anyhow, we had fun talking, too.

I'm stressing over my research paper. It's not going at ALL according to plan, so I think I'm going to write the parts that I can with the information that I have. Although I'll probably wait until I'm no longer high on Sudafed.

Algebra has gotten harder, too. It's taken me two days of working to finish 3/4 of my homework. It probably wouldn't look so daunting if I wasn't staring at the pages with a dizzy head full of snot. I almost started crying because I couldn't make sense of one of the problems last night, and let me tell you, that does NOT help with the snotty head problem. Of course, when I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, I wanted to kick myself in the butt. Unfortunately, I was too dizzy to stand on one foot.

I've done one of my research papers and answered the weekly discussion question for CIS. I still have one more paper to write, plus the quiz.

OOH! What luck! I just realized the headache is gone and my sinuses have quit working overtime! YAY! I may take advantage of the time to work on that research paper, after all!

the last trail...the next path

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