WHERE did it go?
2005-04-04...1:01 p.m.

Wow. That was NOT how I intended to spend the last ten minutes of my yoga class. You know, with tears pouring out of my face. I was SUPPOSED to be meditating. CLEARING my mind. Not filling it with frustration and anger at Corey for being what he is. But there I was. I didn't even stick around long enough to say "Thanks" to the instructor. Nope. I signed out, grabbed my stuff, and ran out the door. That's enough of that shit. Gad. I had snot running out my nose and everything.

I took Dad to WhaleMart to get paint for his room. He got two gallons of wall paint, and one gallon in a different color for the ceiling. Well, at least, he THOUGHT he only got two different colors. Turns out the dork at the paint counter (who, by the way, was slower than molasses in winter) mixed the wall paint wrong, so now Dad has THREE different colors. He waited until about 25 minutes before I had to go to class to check them out. Then he seemed to think that A) I had the time, and B) I had the desire, to take his paint back and get it fixed. Um. No. Neither nor, Bub. It takes me at LEAST 10 minutes to get to the college. I don't have time for it, and I'm not going to fucking do it for him. How 'bout THEM apples? Christ. I swear there's a goddamn looped laugh track that plays in his head, because he seems to think that everything is a joke. Well, except that I wanted him off of my couch. He seems to have at least taken that part seriously. But me not being responsible for hauling his ass all over town? Well, that only seems to apply when his buddy Earl is around. Oh, and he seems very confused by the fact that he's almost out of money in his bank account. I know, I know, it's a difficult concept to understand - you have a job, you get money, you put some in the bank and spend the rest, then you stop working and start using the money in the bank, and - now brace yourself, and pay close attention, because this is where it gets confusing - suddenly, you're almost out of money!!! WHERE did it go? Under a rock? On the moon? In my LUNGS? Hmmm. The world may never know.

the last trail...the next path

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